Celebrating Immigrant and Refugee Educators in Maine on National Teacher Appreciation Day
In 2015, Nabaa Alobaidi resettled in Portland, Maine, having fled her home in Iraq as a refugee. With a master’s degree and experience practicing interior design and teaching at the university level, she hoped to continue her craft and…
Integrating Immigrant Health Professionals into the U.S. Healthcare Workforce: Barriers and Solutions
Internationally educated immigrant healthcare workers face skill underutilization working in lower-skilled healthcare jobs or outside healthcare. This study explored barriers to and solutions for integrating immigrant health professionals.
Legislation Introduced to Study Removing Barriers to Practice for Foreign Trained Physicians Living in Maine
PRESS RELEASE | On Tuesday, March 21st the Maine Legislature’s Committee on Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services will hold a public hearing on LD 937 – Resolve, to Establish the Commission Regarding Foreign-trained Physicians Living in Maine.
Portland immigration clinic helps asylum seekers take ‘first step of a very long road’
We haven’t seen anything like it before. The jobs reports and unemployment numbers of the past 2½ years have repeatedly surprised the American public and confounded even the most imaginative labor economists.
Immigrants may hold a key to solving Maine’s labor shortage
Asylum seekers from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola are among the dozen or so foreign-born workers that Wild Oats Bakery has hired to boost its workforce at a time when workers are hard to come by.
Equivalencies – Credential Evaluations | Part 1: What Are They?
The New Mainers Resource Center at Portland Adult Education works with New Mainers who come to the U.S. with college degrees and years of experience. Most people want to know if their college degrees will be recognized as they look for jobs, apply to schools, or seek licensing in their professions. Will a degree be recognized? The answer is it depends.
Our View: Every effort must be made not to sideline skilled workers
We haven’t seen anything like it before. The jobs reports and unemployment numbers of the past 2½ years have repeatedly surprised the American public and confounded even the most imaginative labor economists.
U.S. professional licensure is daunting, but doable
When Oumalkaire Said Barkad arrived in Maine in 2014 with a master’s degree from the Engineering School of Reims, France, she didn’t know about the many additional steps required to become a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in the U.S. She soon waded into the complicated process for Maine residents with non-U.S. degrees – in many fields beyond just engineering – to receive professional certification.
Webinar: Pathways to Teaching for Immigrants and Refugees
This webinar, presented by World Education Services (WES), provides an overview of the WES Global Talent Bridge Teacher Bridge Project. The program’s goal is to make sure that new Americans are qualified and competitive candidates for jobs in educational settings. The slate of presenters includes Sally Sutton, Program Coordinator of NMRC.
Video: 2021 Solas Award Recipient José Ramón Fernández-Peña
This webinar, presented by Sally Sutton, Program Coordinator of the New Mainers Resource Center, reviews the findings of the NMRC-PAE Foreign Trained Health Professional Licensing Pilot Project Report with the Maine Development Foundation. The purpose of the report was to research ways to increase diversity and cultural competence of the health workforce by identifying strategies to reduce the barriers that foreign trained health professionals face.