Employment Services

STEP 3: Prepare for Your Interview

So you’ve landed a job interview! Congratulations — your hard work has paid off. Be sure you’re prepared to strongly present your best self.

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person being interviewed for a job

Interviewing: Dress for Success (PDF)

Learn about the importance of dressing appropriately for your interview in this downloadable PDF.

Dress For Success PDF

Phone Interview Tips—What to Do Before, During, and After a Phone Interview (video)

In this video, we’re walking you through one of the most nerve-wracking parts of the hiring process—the phone interview. We’re giving you the best phone interview tips we’ve got. We’ll walk you through what to do before, during, AND after the interview—to make sure you get through to the next round. At the end, we’ll even add an extra tip to help you prepare!

Phone Interview Tips to Ace Your Interview and Get Hired Faster (video)

All phone interviews are often the first direct contact with a potential employer to help you ace further interview stages with the follow up questions and answers. For hiring managers this phone call is a tool to shortlist the candidate list even further, after the resume screening. Only the ones with a potential fit will make it to the face to face interviews. That’s why you should take the phone interview process seriously because this is your key to a potential future role that you applied for.

Phone Interview Tips—How to Prepare for a Phone Interview (video)

Today, I will be teaching you four key items that you need to know so you know what to expect in a phone interview. Specifically, I’m going to share with you what recruiters, HR and hiring managers are REALLY looking for when they do that initial phone interview before bringing you in, and how you can prepare for it better.

How To Do A Phone Interview Successfully— Phone Interview Tips (video)

Do you have a phone interview coming up? Are you wondering what to say or how to say it so that you can make it on to the next round of interviews? If so, then tune in to this video about how to ace a phone interview. Phone interviews are very common and are normally the first round of interviews an organization will conduct. In this video you’ll learn 7 phone interview preparation tips that will help you successfully pass your phone interview.

Top 10 Job Interview Questions & Answers (video)

This top 10 job interview questions and answers video will show you how to be prepared for your next job interview. When you know how to answer these interview questions and answers, you will be more prepared than everyone else who is interviewing for this job.

Your 2022 Guide to the Most Common Interview Questions and Answers (blog)

Most Common Interview Questions

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what questions a hiring manager would be asking you in your next job interview? We can’t read minds, unfortunately, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of 50 of the most commonly asked interview questions, along with advice for answering them all.

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