Credential Evaluations
For New Mainers
For new Mainers trained and credentialed in their home countries, a first step to becoming qualified in the US is to learn whether those certifications can be transferred here.

What is an evaluation?
A credential evaluation or equivalency is the process by which a person’s college transcripts and diploma are reviewed to determine if they are equal to a US degree.
One step that may be necessary before a credential evaluation can be done is to first have the documents translated into English. An English translation is not the same thing as an evaluation. For most evaluations, a person is required to have a translation done by a certified translator. There are a number of local companies that do translations. Some evaluation companies also provide this service.
Do I need an evaluation?
Many new Mainers come to the US with college degrees and years of experience. They may be accountants, engineers, or some type of medical professional. Most people are interested in knowing the value of their degrees or diplomas. But is an evaluation necessary?
The answer to this question is: IT DEPENDS.
Determining the timing and necessity of an evaluation is a complicated process. It depends on:
- Professional goals
- Educational background
- English proficiency
Knowing when and how an evaluation should be done is a complicated process. It can also be expensive, with a translation costing several hundred dollars and the evaluation costing several hundred dollars as well.
What are the main questions I should ask myself if I think I want to have an evaluation done?
The main questions to ask yourself are:
- Why am I having it done?
- Who wants the evaluation report?
- How do they want the report done?
- Do I have or can I get the documents they need for the evaluation and submit them the way they want them submitted?
Why do I need an evaluation?
- Work
- School
- Professional License
Who is requesting the evaluation?
- Employer
- College or University
- Professional Licensing Agency
Who does the evaluation?
Colleges, employers, and licensing boards may have different requirements for which evaluating agencies they accept.
There are different agencies that do evaluations. There is a national association of some evaluation companies, NACES — National Association of Credential Evaluator Service.
Many schools and employers will accept an evaluation done by one of the agencies that belong to this group. Each agency will have different costs and requirements for how you will need to submit proof of your education.
What is your professional background?
If you have a technical background in engineering, computers, or some science, it may be useful for you to have an evaluation done just to show an employer that you have the technical training to do the job.
But if you are in a field that relies more heavily on previous work experience and soft skills, then you may not need an evaluation.
What types of jobs will you be applying for?
Is it an entry level position or one that will require you to use your professional skills? For an entry level position, you will probably not need to show the equivalency of your degree. You may need to show that you have at least a high school diploma. This does not need to be a US diploma. Many employers will not require proof. Of those that do, you could likely just show them an English translation of your diploma.
What is your English level?
If your English level (and computer skills) are not at the level necessary to do professional work in your field, you may first want to focus on improving these skills before you worry about an evaluation.
Do you have work authorization?
If you are not able to work yet, you may not need to have an evaluation done until you can work.
Can you afford to cover the cost of the evaluation?
Either you will need to pay for the evaluation and translation or ASPIRE, WIOA, or someone else will need to cover it.
Depending on the company that will do the evaluation and how many reports you order, an evaluation could cost between $250 and $350.
Do you have copies, or originals, of your transcripts and diploma?
Some agencies will accept copies, while others will require originals. In some cases, agencies may require original documents to be sent directly from your university. Some agencies also require that course descriptions be provided.
Are your transcripts or diploma in English?
If your transcripts and diploma are not in English, you will need to have them translated by a certified translation service.
Are your transcripts or diploma in English?
Most course-by-course evaluation reports, which are typically the type of reports that are requested, will include the following:
- Information about the school you attended and the entrance requirement into that school
- The dates you attended
- The courses you took
- The US equivalent of your grades for each course
- The number of credits earned
- The length of your program
- The grading scale from your school
- Your grade point average
- The number of credits you took according to US standards
If your degree is the equivalent of a US degree, it will say something like: “US Educational Equivalent, Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from a regionally accredited college or university in the US.” This means that this degree would be the same as if you graduated from the University of Southern Maine with a Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. The degrees should be considered equal.
If your degree is not the equivalent of a US degree, it might say that you have the equivalent of 3 years or 4 years of study from a US regionally accredited college or university.
See what people are saying about NMRC.
I am very happy and thankful for what I learned from the Job Class. I'd like to share my story with you regarding what I learned from Job class. I am a very happy guy today. I am Warehouse Associate 1 and Forklift Operator. I use all the professional skills that I learned, I can manage my pay, understand my Pay Stubs and more. Portland Adult Education is a place where I found every help regarding job search, connecting me with Allagash Brewing Company and the interview was successful because of what the teacher taught me during my interview. I would like to say Job class is the manpower booster for all those who take it seriously.
Antonio Langaba
PAE Student
Intern at Allagash Brewing Company
We are very excited to share with you that Langaba has accepted a full-time, year-round position as a Warehouse Operations Associate! Langaba has done an excellent job learning the core functions of the role and has met the goal that his supervisor set for him at the beginning of the internship (to be able to ship a tractor trailer truck). Langaba's first day working his new schedule will begin tomorrow. In addition, he has earned a merit increase and now has access to all the benefits that Allagash offers….Thank you so much for your support through this process. This feels like a big win!
Meg Sweet
HR Coordinator
PAE/NMRC has been a good referral source for SMI , and we have worked cooperatively to support students with scholarships for many years. What SMI values in NMRC’s work: NMRC facilitates whatever service the individual needs. They can be an advocate with a school or an employer or can strategize with the individual on how to overcome whatever the barriers might be. Each person who comes to them is provided with a pathway that will address their barriers. For all of these reasons, since 2019, SMI has been proud to have a more formal funding partnership with NMRC.
Scholarships for Maine Immigrants
2021 Fall/Winter Newsletter
Job Class had numerous students who were busy with other responsibilities including families, work, appointments and more but they showed a commitment and pushed till the end. Leticia is an excellent example. She became a citizen and 2 weeks later voted in the 2020 election. She has had experience working as a hotel housekeeper but after completing Job Class A and despite her limited education in her home country of Mexico she is currently employed at Abbott assembling kits. She happily reports that because of this new job, it is no longer imperative for her to work a second job to support her family.
Job Class A Report
Student Success Story
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