As a Volunteer
NMRC and our partner adult education locations use volunteers to work with our participants in many ways, such as helping to improve their English, reinforce conversational skills, prepare for licensing exams and provide industry mentoring.
Volunteer applications for NMRC locations:
Find the Portland Adult Education (PAE) application form here.
Contact Gregory Leavitt, the Director of Bangor Adult Education, at gleavitt@bangorschools.net
Contact Jen Tiner, the Director of Lewiston Adult Education, at jtiner@lewistonpublicschools.org
For more information, kindly get in touch with us.
As an Employer
We work with employers to determine their needs for skilled and culturally diverse workers, and thus connect them with qualified and motivated candidates. Each adult ed location has many students who walk through their doors daily – Portland Adult Education alone served more than 1,500 students last year. NMRC can help employers reach a wide range of candidates.
Greater Portland, Lewiston, and Bangor-area businesses will receive:
- Free and personalized access to a trained, vetted and qualified pool of candidates
- Free advertising and promotion for job fairs, listings and recruitment
- Employer-driven training
- Retention support
- Enriched cultural workplace environment
Employers Play an Important Role with NMRC
Employers play an important role in NMRC and adult education programming. Employer input about their workforce needs, potential job openings, what they’re looking for in job applicants is critical for how we prepare our participants and how our partner adult education sites prepare their students. Employers are also an integral part of our programing, doing mock and informational interviews, providing job shadowing and internship opportunities, mentoring, helping facilitate professional groups and workshops. This involvement helps us make sure our program participants are qualified candidates and prepared for the jobs for which they apply. Additionally, each adult education location, through its workforce training program, has the ability to work hand in hand with employers to design a training program that meets that employer’s specific workforce needs.
Please Contact Us
If you are looking to hire skilled, culturally diverse and motivated workers please fill out and submit our online Employer Form to share with us information about your company and your current hiring needs. We will be happy to be in touch as soon as possible in order to help you find the best candidate match for your company.
You can also contact our program at any time to discuss your company’s needs for training, hiring or if you want to get involved in our program.
Financial Donations
The demand for the services provided by the New Mainers Resource Center far exceeds available resources to provide those services. Our programs are supported by a range of funding sources including: state and local funds, foundation grants, support from businesses, in-kind volunteer services, and gifts from individuals. While we are very appreciative for this generous support, for the most part it is short-term. This means that we are actively seeking funding to support our work.
To learn about how you can support us financially and/or make an online donation, please visit the PAE website and the Friends of Portland Adult Education (FPAE) website.
Donations for the New Mainers Resource Center can also be mailed to:
Portland Adult Education
14 Locust Street
Portland, ME 04101
ATTN: Barbara Stoddard, NMRC Statewide Program Coordinator
See what people are saying about NMRC.
I am very happy and thankful for what I learned from the Job Class. I'd like to share my story with you regarding what I learned from Job class. I am a very happy guy today. I am Warehouse Associate 1 and Forklift Operator. I use all the professional skills that I learned, I can manage my pay, understand my Pay Stubs and more. Portland Adult Education is a place where I found every help regarding job search, connecting me with Allagash Brewing Company and the interview was successful because of what the teacher taught me during my interview. I would like to say Job class is the manpower booster for all those who take it seriously.
Antonio Langaba
PAE Student
Intern at Allagash Brewing Company
We are very excited to share with you that Langaba has accepted a full-time, year-round position as a Warehouse Operations Associate! Langaba has done an excellent job learning the core functions of the role and has met the goal that his supervisor set for him at the beginning of the internship (to be able to ship a tractor trailer truck). Langaba's first day working his new schedule will begin tomorrow. In addition, he has earned a merit increase and now has access to all the benefits that Allagash offers….Thank you so much for your support through this process. This feels like a big win!
Meg Sweet
HR Coordinator
PAE/NMRC has been a good referral source for SMI , and we have worked cooperatively to support students with scholarships for many years. What SMI values in NMRC’s work: NMRC facilitates whatever service the individual needs. They can be an advocate with a school or an employer or can strategize with the individual on how to overcome whatever the barriers might be. Each person who comes to them is provided with a pathway that will address their barriers. For all of these reasons, since 2019, SMI has been proud to have a more formal funding partnership with NMRC.
Scholarships for Maine Immigrants
2021 Fall/Winter Newsletter
Job Class had numerous students who were busy with other responsibilities including families, work, appointments and more but they showed a commitment and pushed till the end. Leticia is an excellent example. She became a citizen and 2 weeks later voted in the 2020 election. She has had experience working as a hotel housekeeper but after completing Job Class A and despite her limited education in her home country of Mexico she is currently employed at Abbott assembling kits. She happily reports that because of this new job, it is no longer imperative for her to work a second job to support her family.
Job Class A Report
Student Success Story