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Lewiston Adult Ed students displaying their diplomas

NMRC Lewiston Staff

Fozia Robleh

Fozia Robleh

NMRC Lewiston Program Coordinator

Email: frobleh@lewistonpublicschools.org
Phone: (207) 653-0181

Contact Us!

NMRC Lewiston
Lewiston Adult Education
145 Birch Street
Lewiston, ME 04240

(207) 784-2928

Bangor School Department logo

Lewiston Adult Education

Jen Tiner
Director, Lewiston Adult Education

Lewiston Adult Education offers classes and testing for the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) and high school diplomas.

Services Offered at NMRC Lewiston

Our services are designed to help internationally trained professionals (ITPs) who have a bachelor’s degree or above from outside the USA, as well as immigrants with work experience in the trades (electricians, plumbers, welders, etc.), to overcome barriers to enter the US workforce and thrive.

We provide advising and case management, licensing and credentialing support, workshops focused on job readiness skills, connections to employment and networking opportunities, and other services designed to ensure workforce readiness for ITPs of all professions. We also work to connect employers with qualified and motivated individuals.

Internationally Trained Professionals: Get Hired!

Jumpstart your career in the U.S.! Our offerings are designed to help ITPs and skilled trades people, including immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees, successfully prepare, enter and thrive in the US workforce and advance in their careers. Let us help you achieve your career goals!


NMRC links employers with highly skilled, qualified and diverse professionals. We can connect you to a talented pool of well-educated, work-authorized professionals who bring global perspective, international experience, multilingual skills and who are highly motivated to contribute in their communities. Let us help you find a great candidate!

young man on a call using a headphone

Community Organizations & Higher Ed

NMRC operates within a highly interdependent network of government, community-based non-profits, institutions of higher education, and private sector organizations. Workforce readiness takes strong ties and collaboration among all of these partners to successfully address labor shortages and training needs. Collaborate with us!

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