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Portland Adult Ed students at graduation

NMRC Portland Staff

Barbara Stoddard

Barbara Stoddard

NMRC Statewide Program Coordinator

Email: stoddb@portlandschools.org
Phone: (207) 653-0172
Kate Points

Kate Points

NMRC Program Specialist

Email: pointk@portlandschools.org
Phone: (207) 653-0176
Tzeitel Waldron

Tzeitel Waldron

NMRC Program Specialist

Email: waldrt@portlandschools.org
Phone: (207) 653-0173

Contact Us!

NMRC Portland
Portland Adult Education
14 Locust Street
Portland, ME 04101

(207) 842-4602

Abbie Yamamoto, Director of Portland Adult Education

Portland Adult Education

Abbie Yamamoto
Director, Portland Adult Education

Portland Adult Education welcomes thousands of adult learners each year. Whether you are a native Mainer who needs a High School Diploma, an engineer from another country who needs to improve your English language skills, or a professional hoping to advance in your career… we’re here to help you reach your goals.

Services Offered at NMRC Portland

Our services are designed to help internationally trained professionals (ITPs) who have a bachelor’s degree or above from outside the USA, as well as immigrants with work experience in the trades (electricians, plumbers, welders, etc.), to overcome barriers to enter the US workforce and thrive.

We provide advising and case management, licensing and credentialing support, workshops focused on job readiness skills, connections to employment and networking opportunities, and other services designed to ensure workforce readiness for ITPs of all professions. We also work to connect employers with qualified and motivated individuals.

Job Seekers & Foreign-Trained Health Professionals

Our offerings are designed to help people of all qualifications and professions, including immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees, successfully integrate and thrive in the US workforce and move forward in their careers

Local Employers

Learn about the services NMRC provides to support the need for foreign-trained professionals to navigate credential evaluation and professional licensing to become qualified to work in the US.

Man on a computer speaking on a phone

Community Organizations & Higher Ed

NMRC works with closely with local employers to provide training and support to foreign-trained immigrants and New Mainers as well as helping those employers find skilled and qualified employees from a diverse pool of applicants.

See what people are saying about NMRC.